Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Back in the swing of things

September royally sucked training wise. Between two weeks off for the knee sprain and a week and a half off due to plague like illness I clocked in 18 miles THE ENTIRE MONTH. By the end of the month I was fretting about all of the runs that I had missed, and whether this would mean I would have to bow out of the marathon.

I'm pleased to say that October has been much better training wise! Three weeks ago I went for my first long run in over a month, and was able to complete 7 miles before my brain got the best of me. I was supposed to run a 10 miler, but I psyched myself out and was only able to complete 7 miles.

Two weeks ago I ran a 15 miler. That's right 15 miles! That is longest distance I have ever run. Let me tell you, it felt great. I was exhausted and sore afterwards, but the entire run felt amazing. The weather was cool, I had a new route, and I had a new Garmin toy to play with.

My 15 miler is also when I tried out my new Asics, and I am pleased to say that I have found a pair of shoes that does not make my feet go numb! 4th times a charm running shoe wise, but I'm glad that the food numbness is gone. Having to cope with tingling and lack of sensitivity in my left foot during every single run was getting on my nerves (heh).

This past Sunday I ran an 18 miler. The first 15 miles were glorious, and I was in love with running and Boston. Because it was such a quintessential fall day I ran through the Arboretum. It was so picturesque. The leaves were bright on the trees and crunchy under foot. I saw blue jays and a giant hawk. My route also took me to the Esplanade, and since it was Head of the Charles this weekend, I was able to see a ton of rowers.

However, things took a sudden turn for the worse after mile 15. My left IT Band seized up completely and I had a sharp stabbing pain in my left hip. I ended up having to walk/hobble the final 3 miles home. This was particularly disappointing given how great the run felt for the first 15 miles. I was keeping around an 11 minute mile pace, the day was gorgeous, I felt great, and then BAM. Hobbled.

I'm getting back on the horse tomorrow morning with a short 3-4 miler. Here's hoping the hip is back in business so that I can get in some tempo work and rock my 20 miler on Saturday!