Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Today's running weather...

Is brought to you by the letter "F." Some words that begin with the letter "f" are: fog, fun, and feeling (good).

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back at it again, this time for real

Okay, life has a way of getting in between me and my best intentions (not to mention any blogging that I might do).

Here are the highs and lows of life since my last post

  1. Ran, finished, and rocked the Philadelphia Marathon in November. It was my first marathon and I truly didn't know if I could do it. I wouldn't have been able to without friends to run with, my awesome roommate to cheer me on, and the sheer strength of will to power through a second half out and back (that nearly killed me mentally).
  2. I studied for (and passed) my comps! Next station on the road to PhD land? Dissertation station.
  3. I got to work with some truly awesome co-workers and students, which made the job of teaching that much more enjoyable.
Now for the lows...
  1. I very nearly lost what little bits of sanity I have left during the process of studying for comps. Memorizing authors and arguments in preparation for a 5.5 hour written test is un-fun, to say the least. Which leads me to...
  2. I haven't really done any working out since the marathon. A few runs, a few soccer games, a few sessions of yoga, but nothing really consistent.

This is going to change now (I guess), because another high/low is that I signed up for my second marathon. Yes, I will be running the Marine Corps Marathon on October 30th. Therefore shoelaces have been tied, glide has been applied, and I'm about to go get my run on.