This past week has been c-razy. I’ve run, I’ve biked, I’ve swam, I’ve played soccer.
Want proof? Here’s a little recap:
Monday: 3.15 miles as part of the Somerville Road Runners weekly Bur-run. This is the first time I’ve run with this group, and it was awesome. They were very friendly and welcoming, and I’m pretty excited to put in a few more miles with them. I definitely pushed myself a bit harder than I normally would on a Monday. Especially a Monday that fell the day after a long run!
Tuesday: I biked to the pool, I swam at the pool, I biked home. I contemplated the ability of my bike route to be uphill both ways. I might live in a vortex, I’m not sure.
Wednesday: 3.5 miles with my running buddy. Neither of us were feeling it, and only the fact that we had made this running date got us out the door. That being said, we were shooting for 2-3 miles, and ended up doing 3.5. Sometimes getting off my patootie* and out the door is the hardest part.
Thursday & Friday: I rested. My legs were like giant overcooked noodles. This rest period may or may not have involved quite a bit of eating as well as a few delicious mojitos. I shall never tell.
Saturday: 7.2 mile bike ride. It was real hot and real humid, but I finished in about 33 minutes, which isn’t too shabby, especially since that includes a lot of stop lights and some rolling hills. I’m feeling pretty good for the bike portion of that pesky upcoming triathlon.
Sunday: I went for a very leisurely bike ride with my 9 year old cousin. He’s such an awesome bike riding partner, and I love going out with him. Of course, it often involves him “conning” me into mid-ride snacks. I also went for a quick run. 2.28 miles in 22 minutes. Not too shabby, but not the 7 miles I was supposed to have done. Major training fail
Monday: Soccer game. First game of Summer season, and the team we were playing were rough. Like two-handed shove to the back, and then a sarcastic “I’m sorry” rough. I had a great time, but boy am I feeling it today!
There’s more running, biking, swimming, and soccer on tap for the rest of this week. Plus the added bonus of my first open water swim, the Warrior Das, and The Boring Runner’s Sweat Your Thorns Off!
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